All reports checked for quality assurance by a Cambridge University Law Graduate, Fast Turn around, Competitive fees, Criminal and Civil Cases.
When you require a thoracic surgery assessment and report for your case we provide you with swift access, working on your case based on your requirements, time frames, location, and costs.
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Consultant Thoracic Surgeon MD, FRCS(Eng), FCCP, FACS, FEBTS Honorary Senior Lecturer National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London
Costs of reports are dependent on the complexity of the case and expert instructed, but we will work with you to find the right compromise.
When you require a thoracic surgery assessment and report for your case we provide you with swift access, working on your case based on your requirements, time frames, location, and costs.
Whilst I continue to work as a Consultant Thoracic Surgeon on a full-time basis, there is a short turnaround time for producing reports. I am normally able to see clients within 24 hours if needed and prepare a report within a week (subject to other commitments/annual leave). The time taken for the report is approximately 4–6 hours work but, if required, I can supply an approximate fee once full instruction and medical records for review are received. I do approximately 4-5 reports a month. Once I have been given the initial information surrounding the events giving rise to the claim, I am usually able to advise the solicitor running the file of the merits of the case (pro bono 15 minute conversation).
Within clinical negligence I specialises in cases with difficult and complicated issues on breach of duty where my medical qualification and further specialist training enables him to better understand the full breadth of the potential issues and get the most from the interaction with other experts and legal counsel. I have experience with joint experts reports and coroners courts.
I will help you to make sure your cases has merit and can be successfully pursued, without incurring in unnecessary expenses. If I feel there is no case to answer to I will let you know ahead of my report.
~ Marco Scarci
I am an expert in my field and have extensive experience in medico-legal reports
We travel whenever you need us to and most consultations can be done online to save time and money
We also fixed fees for reports and flexible payments in Compensation Cases, including deferred payment terms.
We have provided hundreds of expert witness reports for over ten years. Areas covered: personal injuries, medical negligence reports, road traffic accidents, chest traumas, congenital chest deformities.
We are normally able to provide estimates and CV and assessment appointments within one hour of telephone and email enquiries, with most reports completed within one week of the appointment
Costs of reports are dependent on the complexity of the case and expert instructed, but we will work with you to find the right compromise and include 15 minutes of free consultation with each case
and receive a CV based on your needs, appointments and fee estimates.
Thoracic Surgery Expert witness Thoracic Surgery Expert witness Thoracic Surgery Expert witness Thoracic Surgery Expert witness Thoracic Surgery Expert witness
Your affordable, experienced and authoritative thoracic surgery expert witness.
Looking for an expert in thoracic surgery and lung cancer treatment?
👉 Visit Marco Scarci’s website to learn more